Doom 3 demo
Doom 3 demo


Since this is just a demo, I'm okay with delaying these things until a little bit later. The initial release will also not have any music. Unfortunately, in order to reach the 2021 deadline I arbitrarily set upon myself, I'm going to have to cut a couple features for the initial Demo release, namely the "Side Objectives" which I just shown off previously, and some minor quality-of-life stuff. Sorry for the radio silence! I've been caught up on other things recently, so I haven't had as much time to work on Box Party as I would've liked.īox Party's Demo will be releasing onto Steam and this DECEMBER. I'll also be adding a wiki page to it containing all of this tutorial stuff. When the Box Party Demo is released, I'll make a public Github repo for it, since the demo itself will be completely open source. This should (hopefully) make it easier for anyone to make their own custom stuff for the game, because modding is cool and epic.


Right now I am currently working on writing up a tutorial on how to add custom stuff to Box Party, like hats, weapons, enemies, player classes, loot drops, etc. Added some easter eggs to the 3 levels (good luck finding them). (But also more importantly to fix a nasty bug causing some crashing.)


Reworked the ZScript HUD to allow for (partial) support for custom characters and full support for custom weapons. Fixed the same really really annoying loot drop bug multiple times related to health drops giving the incorrect name to the loot drop handler.

doom 3 demo

Added in a bunch of new sounds for enemies and whatnot. All the sprites are drawn, just need to finish ironing out the code. :)īeen working on behind the scenes stuff for Box Party, so haven't had much new to show off.īut here's a rundown of the bigger stuff I've gotten done recently: There are still a few other places in Box Party that could benefit from being more modder friendly, like specifically the Hats system and some other smaller stuff, but just this alone will help out a lot. If you are adding a custom ammo drop, you'd make it look like this: If you're adding a player, you'd type out a line kind of like this in your mod's BOXLOOT file (minus the quotes):


However, thanks to some zscript mumbo-jumbo, Box Party will now instead grab this data via a file called "BOXLOOT", and will also search for files under this name in any mods loaded. So for context, Box Party currently includes a system where enemies will drop health/item pickups that are specific to certain characters, and enemies can also drop ammo for weapons that you have equipped.Īt the moment, however, these pickups are all hard-coded, which would make it rather difficult for a modder to add in their own custom player drops or ammo pickups. Now, I dont have any screenshot that could show this off, but I'm currently working on making Box Party more modder friendly.Ĭonsidering that Box Party would not exist were it not for GZDOOM mods, I feel like I'd be doing a disservice if I didn't try to make the game as moddable as humanly possible.

doom 3 demo

I already love the visuals, can't wait for the demo to be uploaded :)

Doom 3 demo